Friday, March 28, 2008

iPhone: more on copying to and from

Thanks to a valiant and long-suffering colleague, I can now tell you that iphonebrowser is the way to access your iPhone.

Here's how to prepare for iphonebrowser (see notes at the bottom for more info):
  1. If you have iphonebrowser running, shut it down.
  2. Jailbreak phone with ZiPhone 2.4.
  3. Install the following apps:
    1. BSD subsystem 2.0 (source: AppTapp Official)
    2. Community Sources (comes with Installer 3, which comes with ZiPhone)
    3. BSD Subsystem 2.0 Termfix (source: BigBoss's Apps and Things, which comes with ZiPhone)
    4. SUID Lib Fix (source: BigBoss's Apps and Things, which comes with ZiPhone)
    5. ZiPhone iBrickr Fix (source:
  4. Shutdown/restart your iPhone:
    1. Hold the Home Key and the Sleep key together until a red slider appears at the top of the screen, prompting you to slide it to turn off your iPhone.
    2. Turn off your iPhone.
    3. Hold the Sleep key for a few seconds to reboot.
  5. Run iphonebrowser. You should see a long list of directories. This is entire filesystem!

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